Wanted for Murder: Montag. Occupation: Fireman.
We burn them to ashes and then burn the ashes.
Oh, mummy, look! Firemen.
Mummy, there's going to be a fire.
Twenty-three antisocial elements were detained, pending re-education.
These books are my family.
Behind each of these books, there's a man.
Montag will report to the captain's office.
Take my word for it, Montag, there's nothing there.
The books have nothing to say!
These books were alive. They spoke to me.
They came to take them away. They do that now, don't they?
The system will eat itself.
We'll have to go away from here. I know a place.
Repeating. Calling all citizens.
Wanted for murder. Montag. Fireman.
The criminal is alone and on foot.
Let each one stand at his front door. Look and listen.
A crime against society has been avenged.
They are books. Each one, men and women, Everyone.
Tramps outwardly, but, inwardly, libraries.
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