Animals didn't work. They only bleated and squawked. Requiring people to worship them, it took seven Mayan gods to whip up man. But you know how committees are; it took awhile to get it right. They called in an expert, the Heart of Heaven, Huracan, to assist them. His wind and rain provided the test. Mudmen dissolved quickly. Men of wood looked better, but had no soul, so Huracan was told to drown them, too. The seven gods needed more time, so they sent Huracan home to rest. They planted seeds. Maize grew. Then they molded the masa meal into the shapes of men. Presto. Men became what they ate.
But one-legged Huracan had an appetite, too, and arrived each summer, spinning with arms akimbo to clean his plate.
Great texture!
Thanks. I really like this one, too.
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