Early aspirants to the American throne in 2008 are presidential hopeful, Herman R. Talmadge and vice-presidential wannabe, Glen Groins. Theirs is the Artful Codger ticket and it promises to pour salt on the festering wound that is today's body politic. Here is their 5 point program:
1. No war.
2. No poverty.
3. Free health care for all.
4. An end to global warming.
5. An end to reality TV.
Naturally, this being America, they haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of winning. They'll be voted off the island long before the debates.
Sounds like just the ticket.
Nice window and photograph too BTW.
They got my vote.
And thanks, Cap'n Bill.
- Howdy
You're welcome al.
Wow this is kinda like a chat room.
I gotta go now my mom's calling me to dinner.
Mine too. Later.
Hey! Howcum I wasn't unvited?
You were unvited. That's why no one called you.
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