It is essential that democracy flourish on Pluto. That is the only way to bring it into the League of Planets. For far too long Pluto has, along with Neptune and numerous rogue asteroids in the Kuiper Belt, been part of the axis of ellipticals. To put it simply, its orbit is all wrong.
Sanctions have been imposed but they are not enough. The IAU proposes a massive infusion of armed democracy advocates for the entire region. Pluto must be run by and for Plutonians, specifically Plutonians the IAU deems worthy. Queen Glorfinism must be deposed and her army emasculated. Once freedom and liberty are made mandatory, the orbit around the sun will regulate itself and order will return.
Today, September 23rd, is the one hundred sixtieth anniversary of the discovery of Neptune. That Neptune is also poised to lose its planetary status due to misdirectional orbit is evidence that action must be taken to bring normalcy to our homeland solar system. The world is a different place since September 23rd, 1846. The Judeo-Christian planets are allied in the idealogical struggle of the 21st century. The Neptunes and Plutos of the universe must be prepared to suffer the consequences if they are determined to forge their own destinies. Orbits must follow the letter of the law and the IAU intends to hold all planets accountable. If they do not conform they will be stripped of their planetary status and cast adrift to be sucked up by a black hole or worse. Oh, and on the way there, they'll be bombed back to the stone age.
Thank You and God Bless Planet Earth.
From what I can see from Venus, you earthbillies are stiil in the stone age. I urge you protobeings to jump up and down in unison so as to jog your planet and enjoy the benefits of elliptical orbit. It might just freeze and burn enough of you morons to allow you to evolve.
Well, I swan.
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