Flibber me gibbet, thar's life on Enceladus. Recent telecopic perusals have revealed the place to be rife with critters. Here's some of 'em right here.

The skinless flurvious was seen cavorting with a bevy of mermaid-like creatures in a lava bed near the moon's equator. Scientists believe the lack of skin is due to adverse reaction to the lava.

The nurbalite is a kind of tree dwelling marsupial, but it isn't exactly a marsupial and there are no trees on Enceladus. It was found trying to blend into the algae.

And the dastardly cromuflit stalks its prey at the edge of geyser pools. It was observed charging the lesser life forms and forcing them into the geysers, which both tenderizes and cooks them.
Time will no doubt make known other inhabitants of
this mysterious moon of Saturn.
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