Still in all, I need to buy some hardtack and a decent pair of boots, so I offer this fine example of Second Age Rivendell knapsackiana to the highest bidder. My reserve price of $250 may seem a bit steep, but please keep in mind that this pack is identical to, and may actually be the very pack worn by Elrond Halfelven to haul around his various elvish amulets and talismans. There is some amount of honest wear - please note the mended tear in the lower left quadrant - but, generally speaking, this parcel is in good to very good condition, or at least as good as any other Second Age article of elfwear you're likely to find, and face it, you're not all that likely to find any at all. So bid high and bid often, Middle Earthlings; it could be yours!
Ah, such impery! I am in much agreement with your muchly finterious offering. It positively REEKS of spandly muchness. The strange denominations you require are crukly to my experience, though. Here on Befnikoo-Kreely, we deal in garrools, which have smerious value in the quadrant I'm sure you're from, pardon the muchly dangling preposition. I offer tewnty-seven sparkly garrools, which is equivalent to sixty-seven quarklids, muchly used on Trixxid and other bodies in the Axxid System. With this windfall you should be able to craggle squorfingly through the muchliness of your coming adventure. You may reach me at Rediny Flux Hilagidous Squeezle, Splifty Gargle, Befnikoo-Kreely, Eighteenth Quadrant, Splutny Sector, West End. I thank you and hope you are continuously immersed in Golden Muchness.
Garrools? We don't take no steenking garrools! Sparkly or no.
Seriously though, make it tihirty trhee garrools and you've got a deal.
Tewnty niun is my final osher. I am muchly thanksing you at this tiume.
So sorry, Snarklus, but the auction is over. One Bilbo Baggins of The Shire was the lucky winner. I would suggest that in the future you either upgrade your computer or respond with greater quicklyhood.
Nevertheless, I thank you for your bid and invite you to participate in future auctions.
Muchly Thanks,
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