Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Leather Clad Elfin Parcel

Still in all, I need to buy some hardtack and a decent pair of boots, so I offer this fine example of Second Age Rivendell knapsackiana to the highest bidder. My reserve price of $250 may seem a bit steep, but please keep in mind that this pack is identical to, and may actually be the very pack worn by Elrond Halfelven to haul around his various elvish amulets and talismans. There is some amount of honest wear - please note the mended tear in the lower left quadrant - but, generally speaking, this parcel is in good to very good condition, or at least as good as any other Second Age article of elfwear you're likely to find, and face it, you're not all that likely to find any at all. So bid high and bid often, Middle Earthlings; it could be yours!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
A Solution to the Korean Crisis
"Yo, Jong!"
""Say, wha?"
"Is that you, Dear Leader?"
"No go by Dear Leader anymore."
"No? Peerless Leader?"
"No Peerless. No Dear Father. Now just General Secretary of Worker's Party."
"Oh. Demoted, huh?"
"No, not... Who is this?"
"Yeah, it's me."
"Not what. Hu. Hu Jintao."
"Oh. Hu. Why you not say so? How you been?"
"Not bad. Yourself?"
"Not too good, myself."
"Just a touch of radiation poisoning. No big deal."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I know, I know. You don't like our new bomb."
"Hey, it's nothing personal. It was kinda puny, though."
"Next one will be bigger, I promise. So why you vote to impose sanctions, declare war?"
"Whoa, hold on there, Oh Mighty One. We don't want war."
"Too late. You side with American dogs. We at war with China. We at war with Russia, Japan, whole world. Especially USA."
"Funny you should mention the USA. I just got off the phone with Bill Clinton. He offered you a deal."
"Wait a minute. Bill Clinton is not president. George Bush is president."
"Yes, but George Bush won't talk one-on-one, you know that. Bill Clinton is still willing to talk one-on-one."
"Hmmm. So what does Bill Clinton have to say?"
"He says if you give up your existing weapons, allow inspectors in and agree not to pursue a nuclear weapons program at any time in the future, the U.S. will make it worth your while."
"I heard that one before. They bring us into the 21st century. They send us medicine, pizza, sushi.."
"All that, but more."
"They help us build nuclear plants. They run them for us, provide cheap power."
"Yes, but there's still more.."
"They give us quick infusion of American dollars. Gold. Gadgets and videos."
"Yes, yes, they'll give you all that and more. Especially one thing more."
"I already said no to all that. Even gadgets and videos. What more does USA have to offer?"
"Disneyland. Disneyland Pyongyang, to be precise. And not just an equal to Anaheim or Orlando either. Disneyland Pyongyang would be bigger and better than both of them put together. Bigger rides. Twice the fun. Shorter lines.."
"What am I saying? No lines for the Dear Leader, of course."
"General Secretary of Worker's Party."
"Right. Just lines for millions of Chinese, South Koreans and Japanese visitors. All with lots of money to spend. Bill Clinton says if you act today, USA will throw in 40 world class 18-hole golf courses. That's 720 holes."
"Is that so?"
"It is so. And just think, Dear General, Number One Son will no longer have to run off to that tiny Disneyland in Tokyo anymore. The best will be right here at home. So, what do you say, Kim? Is it a deal?"
"Hmmm. Let me think about it."
"This offer won't stay on the table long, you know. Next week we start boarding your ships."
"Tell you what. Tell Bill Clinton we want a Hollywood, too. Then we have a deal."
"I'll get back to you."
""Say, wha?"
"Is that you, Dear Leader?"
"No go by Dear Leader anymore."
"No? Peerless Leader?"
"No Peerless. No Dear Father. Now just General Secretary of Worker's Party."
"Oh. Demoted, huh?"
"No, not... Who is this?"
"Yeah, it's me."
"Not what. Hu. Hu Jintao."
"Oh. Hu. Why you not say so? How you been?"
"Not bad. Yourself?"
"Not too good, myself."
"Just a touch of radiation poisoning. No big deal."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I know, I know. You don't like our new bomb."
"Hey, it's nothing personal. It was kinda puny, though."
"Next one will be bigger, I promise. So why you vote to impose sanctions, declare war?"
"Whoa, hold on there, Oh Mighty One. We don't want war."
"Too late. You side with American dogs. We at war with China. We at war with Russia, Japan, whole world. Especially USA."
"Funny you should mention the USA. I just got off the phone with Bill Clinton. He offered you a deal."
"Wait a minute. Bill Clinton is not president. George Bush is president."
"Yes, but George Bush won't talk one-on-one, you know that. Bill Clinton is still willing to talk one-on-one."
"Hmmm. So what does Bill Clinton have to say?"
"He says if you give up your existing weapons, allow inspectors in and agree not to pursue a nuclear weapons program at any time in the future, the U.S. will make it worth your while."
"I heard that one before. They bring us into the 21st century. They send us medicine, pizza, sushi.."
"All that, but more."
"They help us build nuclear plants. They run them for us, provide cheap power."
"Yes, but there's still more.."
"They give us quick infusion of American dollars. Gold. Gadgets and videos."
"Yes, yes, they'll give you all that and more. Especially one thing more."
"I already said no to all that. Even gadgets and videos. What more does USA have to offer?"
"Disneyland. Disneyland Pyongyang, to be precise. And not just an equal to Anaheim or Orlando either. Disneyland Pyongyang would be bigger and better than both of them put together. Bigger rides. Twice the fun. Shorter lines.."
"What am I saying? No lines for the Dear Leader, of course."
"General Secretary of Worker's Party."
"Right. Just lines for millions of Chinese, South Koreans and Japanese visitors. All with lots of money to spend. Bill Clinton says if you act today, USA will throw in 40 world class 18-hole golf courses. That's 720 holes."
"Is that so?"
"It is so. And just think, Dear General, Number One Son will no longer have to run off to that tiny Disneyland in Tokyo anymore. The best will be right here at home. So, what do you say, Kim? Is it a deal?"
"Hmmm. Let me think about it."
"This offer won't stay on the table long, you know. Next week we start boarding your ships."
"Tell you what. Tell Bill Clinton we want a Hollywood, too. Then we have a deal."
"I'll get back to you."
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Larvals

As funerals go, it weren't nothing much.
Later they was to find out the food their mother'd fix them had to be bought at a store and prepared. It was all more than they bargained for, especially Arnie who couldn't so much as pick his teeth without help. We hear tell Harvey found a stash of cash in a closet and learned himself how to use the telephone to call out for pizza. I hope they can hear the doorbell away down in that basement.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I, Satyr

But that Dionysus, despite his mortal mother, is a god, and, hence, immortal. Not so us lowly satyrs. We grow old and wizened. Our hooves crack and our horns become nubs. The drunkeness and the debauchery take a toll. We turn bitter. It doesn't help that those damned nymphs stay young and hot forever.
My only solace now is my flute. Trite merry trills are the fluff of the past. My playing is seasoned now with long bended minors and polytonality. I call it the Sadder Blues.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
el Diablillo de Dios

Back on Mount Olympus, they were too high for mortals to reach. (That was where the cloud legend originated; as if God, weighing in at 310, could walk on water vapor.) Before you knew it, a couple of million years went by, the mountains folded in on themselves and God became a cave dweller. Word got around. The place was besieged by spelunkers and the need arose for a concierge.
That Heaven had to go to Hell for a doorman shows how effective the underworld army is at defending the underworld. They make good agents and lobbyists, too.
The little devil God adopted was more than up to the task. He kept his teeth and claws sharpened. He learned to crack his tail like a whip. And should the do-gooders slip by him, they were no match for him once inside the cave. El Diablillo could see clear as day in near total darkness and he could scamper like no one's business, up walls, off rocks, you name it. He was in his element.
The pilgrims approach. The imp eyes ankles, salivating.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Stone Worship
Before before, there was the veneration of stones. Gems and meteorites were held in highest regard, followed by stones that, cloudlike, contained the faces of animals. Fossils explained life underground and stones brought back from mountaintops were the properties of gods. The dead were returned to earth and anchored with stones, first to deter the animals from digging them up, later to keep the ghosts from their haunts, and finally to mark the lives gone on. As close to permanent as anything the earth had to offer, stones were to be revered.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The King Who Couldn't Make Up His Mind

If his kingdom were real, he could hold intelligent two-way conversations with a wide range of subordinates and subjects. They could produce real goods that he could commodify and trade with neighboring kingdoms for more real goods which he could in turn sell to his subjects. He would become wealthy beyond all imagining.
But if his kingdom were imaginary, he wouldn't need to listen to the inevitable harping of his subordinates and subjects. He could imagine they were singing his praises and extolling his virtues. And while the goods his subjects produced were the stuff of dreams, surely there was a market in other lands for such ephemera. He was certain he would become wealthy beyond all imagining.
He let his subjects know of his dilemma. They were none too keen on being put to work producing real goods in order to make their king richer than he already was, which was a hell of a lot richer than any of them were. Thinking that the profit margin on unreal goods was lower than that of real goods and that it would be much easier on them to produce things that didn't exist, they opted for the imaginary kingdom. That was good enough for the king. He changed the name of the kingdom to Hollywood, put his subjects to work 22 hours a day, broke up the unions, and made a killing selling nothing to nobodies. In this way he became wealthy beyond all imagining.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Koreans Face Off
South Koreans fired warning shots over the heads of North Korean soldiers today at the demilitarized zone between the two countries.
From the BBC:
"One Southern military source, speaking anonymously to The Associated Press, said it was unclear whether the intrusion was 'intentional or whether it was to catch fish'."
"We saw them advancing and it appeared they were armed with long, narrow poles of some sort," the source went on to say. "They could have been fishing poles, but they might just have well been some kind of new-fangled rifle. Then, when we saw they were also equipped with woven rattan baskets attached to their waists, we figured they might be carrying radio controlled mini-nukes and that the pole-like things might be antennae for the trigger system. You never know."
After being fired upon, the North Korean soldiers retreated the thirty yards back to their side of the DMZ, possibly to regroup and rethink their strategy.
Tension has been high between the two countries ever since this week's announcement from North Korea that it was preparing to test a nuclear weapon. South Koreans have been told to be on the lookout for suspicious activity, such as incoming rockets or young North Koreans with nuclear bombs strapped to their bodies.
From the BBC:
"One Southern military source, speaking anonymously to The Associated Press, said it was unclear whether the intrusion was 'intentional or whether it was to catch fish'."
"We saw them advancing and it appeared they were armed with long, narrow poles of some sort," the source went on to say. "They could have been fishing poles, but they might just have well been some kind of new-fangled rifle. Then, when we saw they were also equipped with woven rattan baskets attached to their waists, we figured they might be carrying radio controlled mini-nukes and that the pole-like things might be antennae for the trigger system. You never know."
After being fired upon, the North Korean soldiers retreated the thirty yards back to their side of the DMZ, possibly to regroup and rethink their strategy.
Tension has been high between the two countries ever since this week's announcement from North Korea that it was preparing to test a nuclear weapon. South Koreans have been told to be on the lookout for suspicious activity, such as incoming rockets or young North Koreans with nuclear bombs strapped to their bodies.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Pope Freaks

"Oh woe betide us all" he is said to have moaned on learning that dead unbaptised babies will be made homeless once kicked out of Limbo Land. He expressed his concerns to a luncheon of popeseekers this afternoon thusly:
"We're not about to condemn the poor little souless tykes to the fiery pits of Hell, now are we? Of course not. But you can bet we aren't letting them join the country club either, if you catch my drift. So Heaven's out, Hell's out, Limbo's out.. what's left? Guantanamo?"
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Singing, dancing, laughing child actors were paid to play their joyous roles. Crying and yelling were made capital crimes. Echoes of some muffled blues were once heard but mistaken for honky-tonk.
Excursioning out from the palace, Sid came upon four passing sights.

An old man, a sick man and a corpse taught him of change, decay and inevitability. And a mendicant monk taught him of his destiny. All to the same end. He gave it all up and readied himself for a nap beneath the Bodhi Tree. He awoke without resplendence, the Buddha.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006

Pretty soon it drizzles. You slow down to avoid the webs and vines. October moves on ahead of you and is soon out of view. The path is now less a path, more a series of choices you have to make. Briar patch, no. Swampy area, no. Chasm, no... It rains. Gets darker. Something canine barks and howls. A flash of lightning, the crack of thunder. Bushes and trees grow arms, the wind waves them around at you. Thorns tear into your flesh. It's getting harder to pull your feet out of the mud. The smell of your sweat and blood catches the wind and carries.
Never get swept up by October.
Sunday, October 01, 2006

But when the Man in the Moon is sleeping and the night sky is dark but for stars, all bets are off. Forget the full moon; it's the new one that produces mad poets and fools.
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