Saturday, August 11, 2007

Clown Button 2

Thursday's post of a clown button garnered the following response from an astute peruser of these tomes. Alas, I cannot condone his questionable morals. He writes:

That clown button looks suspiciously like one belonging to one Flipwidget the Clown, presently living in the Federal Corrections Institute of Comedic Studies in Harper, Minnesota. Though I have no definitive proof, the accompanying photograph shows Flipwidget being offered a token of my esteem after he rescued a fellow member of Big Skull-Headed Clown Local 435 in Topeka from under the wheels of a taxiing airplane. Being President of said chapter, I felt it was my duty to reward him for his action. I'm afraid that blowing up the picture would not bring the button to clarity, but it also might have been on another pair of pants. He's been known to, uh, leave them behind on occasion.

Empty-Eyed Louie

I would have relegated this missive to the comment section, but I thought putting it front and center would make it easier for the vice squad to "get a grip on the situation," if you catch my drift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently Flipwidget has enough of a grasp of the situation for anyone involved, past or present. Prob'ly futurin' as well...