Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Engrish Spam I Get

I get:
Subject: how everyone
You still wanting the objective of getting toned?
I surely am, that is why i am so gay i stumbled upon
- http::/ -
It was super enduringly having someone to benefit me out.
having spent considerable wisdom time confident hunting
Physical Education floor and placed them as a barrier
possible over with their stone hatchets after making a wide

I answer:
Subject: everyone fine
You misunderstand me. My objective was to get stoned, not toned.
And yet, I too have spent considerable wisdom time confident hunting.
Not for a Physical Education floor, mind you, but for something to get stoned ON.
I hear what you're saying about stone hatchets, but I'm a little uncertain.
Can I smoke them?
Benefit me out and tell me what you made wide.
Please to be so super enduringly gay,

1 comment:

Seebo said...

Awesome. Just awesome.
