Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pepto Miasmal

Extreme bilious unction,
the dry heaves before the porcelain altar.


Anonymous said...

Oh gobbly stinkpuncture, I widdle at your slaptuousness.
Still worse , I tread upon thy curdled knees and snurk as you wince in fronkly pain.
Smeech at my cradulousness if you will,
I can only trundle you more.
Spew, my grissom quardle,
Spew for all you're worth.
I shall agsorb your retchfuse....
And recurn in fullfold upon your unctuous spardle. May you become knurdled in squinch. Bequirdled, in fact. I'll make sure of it.

Jay King said...

Congratulations! You win the coveted Vogonic Bard 'o the Month Award! Extra points go to:
- snurk as you wince
- knurdled in squinch
and especially:
- Spew, my grissom quardle

Rest assured, you done did Vogons everywhere proud.

Please do not attempt to return this award, as the meat by-products from which it is made are long past their expiration date.

All hail Freedonia!