His kind go way back, before before, to the Peat Faeries and Ballybogs. Their ancient aim remains the same, to drive their victim bonkers.
That victim might be a mere child. It's cruel, I'll admit. But the kid usually deserves it. He disobeyed his parents or she didn't clean her room - something bad. Less has unleashed a bogle.
So provoked, they're slippery as all get out. One'll whisper in your left ear, then he'll shout in your right. They like spilling stuff, especially liquids. Worse, they'll jostle you and make you spill stuff. They'll make you, that child, do the damnedest things, until one day, you're funny farm fodder.
Wanna remain sane and keep away bogles? Be good.
1 comment:
I will be LOL !
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