This article has been challenged as being a complete and utter fabrication. It's authenticity, therefore, cannot be verified.

Feralines (Felis Silvestris) are the result of the union between domestic felines and bobcats. They are native to North America and can be found anywhere cats, bob or otherwise, congregate. Living on chipmunks, field mice and an occasional shrew, they would prefer canned Friskies, so long as it's not the shredded Chicken and Tuna variety.
Prized for their ugly pelts, feralines were nearly hunted to extinction in the late 19th century. Fortunately, cumberbuns soon went out of style and the cats made a return. Unaware of fashion trends, Teddy Roosevelt once boasted of killing 117 feralines in a single day, but he might have been drunk. When he boasted of it, not when he shot them. Although he may have been drunk when he shot them, too. Teddy liked his whiskey.
Feralines are said to bring bad luck on windy Tuesdays. One who sees one on such a day should make the sign of the cross, hold one's breath for twenty seconds and hop on one foot (the left) in the opposite direction. And don't look back. You might fall down.