Monday, September 17, 2018

Vasco de Game On


Grinko Balboa said...

Oh, I get it. How about Christo Colbummusout or Vertigo Vespuchritude? Let's not just pick on the latins. now. Sirrah Fankie Draink Leaner and Henry Hudcap? Yeah, I've gone to far, I agree.

Craptain Gook said...

I'll add my thoughts.

What about Hernando De Moto, known as "The Guzzi?"

Jay King said...

Gut, gut. Load me up on them monikers, Gookygrink. I'll be needing em come dry times.

Norging Aytenz said...

Sir Eddie Millnery, the konkerer of the Milhamayas. Milhamaya's Department Store in Peoria, Illinois, that is. He sold Wimmin's Goods.

He was kinder a eggsplorer. Upward, kinda, not ober da wabes. Borogoves be dammed.

Zheng He said...

Oh, I don't know. Living Stanleyson, now that's an explorer for you. Or me, depending on the season.
I met him up on the Big River.
Living could just WALTZ into a Congolese Villian, and for whatever reason Psyche had to remonstrate that day, a thousand crodokiles would burt forse from
the abdomen of the Great Spinks! Kissing teeth and all! Can you just imagine that?

Mandy SicMath said...

Oh, just fracking PLEASE.

Can I imagine what? A couple of temperate idiots that think they know what to find in central Africa? One a fracking JOURNALIST??!!
I drove the continent from Morocco to Cape Town in the seventies, and I did it alone! How many of the last guys listed could do that?
Through the revolutions? The mercs? The thieves? The kidnwappers? Yes, you saw that! The kidnwappers! They're brutal!
I did it, I survived, and wrote a book about it! You wimps! I'll challenge any one of you to come to ARKANSAS AND CHALLENGE ME! ESPECIALLY YOU, GRINKO BALBOA! YOU DON'T SCARE ME!

Jay King said...

Yup, them kidnwappers be bwutal alwight.
Now, Burt Forse. I remembers him. And his brother Brut, too. But no, I can't imagine kissing teeth.