Wednesday, March 14, 2018

alter realmian

Not sure, but this could be the ghost of Lisa Simpson.


Spider Jim King said...

Lisa Simpson died?

Jay King said...

Oh no, Lisa can't die. Bleeding Gums Murphy, however, did die and was able to clone a ghost for her from up above in, you know, heaven. You can legally do that there.

Spider Jim King said...

So you're telling me that someone in heaven can clone a ghost of me? Or maybe Richard Nixon?

Jay King said...

Certainly. They do it all the time. There may already be three or four of you roaming the planet as we speak. Nixon too. We call them doppelgangers, but they're actually clones.

Spider Jim King said...

That explains the picture of my frighteningly exact twin on a brochure to a swimming hole at Forestburg Boy Scout Camp in 1971. It does not explain why the place was named Jim King. True story, you saw the pic and name and freaked. So did Mom.

Jay King said...

Don't suppose you still have this spooky artifact. I want to know why a swimming hole has such a weird name, or any name at all. Maybe it was all a dream..