No sir. You are referring to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, recognizable by its cranial spigot. Phlegon of Tralles was a Greek author, not nearly as revolting, who wrote among other things the compendium "On Marvels," detailing a cacophonous zoo of ghosts, monsters and freaks. So, Tralles was an ancient city in what is present day Turkey, while Traal is a planetoid in the vicinity of Trixxid and is home of the stupidest creature in the known universe. The unknown universe, as well.
D. Adams described some sort of creature from a place named Tral, or Trall. Could it be a relation? My mind is incomplete...
No sir. You are referring to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, recognizable by its cranial spigot. Phlegon of Tralles was a Greek author, not nearly as revolting, who wrote among other things the compendium "On Marvels," detailing a cacophonous zoo of ghosts, monsters and freaks. So, Tralles was an ancient city in what is present day Turkey, while Traal is a planetoid in the vicinity of Trixxid and is home of the stupidest creature in the known universe. The unknown universe, as well.
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