Monday, November 24, 2008

Morgue Arrival L

It appears subject's Adam's apple became erect, requiring tracheotomy. Instead, he was run over by a threshing machine.


Anonymous said...

Well o' course I run him over with my thresher!! You would too! That guy was daincin' an' a-carryin' on in my back field!! What ya expeck me ta dew? Bring 'im a plate o' crawdads? Besides that, he AXED me ta dew it! Said he liked ta be threshed! I'd say he's wacky, but alls he is is daid! Now yew leave me be! I got more threshin' ta dew!

Jay King said...

Mr. Faux,

The authorities have been duly notified. You may expect them to be in contact you in the near future.

Thank you for notifying us.

- the hospital staff