Saturday, July 28, 2007

Vinnie Falsetto

Meanwhile, in Hoboken, Vinnie's boys were collecting their share. Eight Fingers Massinelli was leaning on the Koreans hard. Enough so's the prosecutor had to take notice. Lucky Salzone gets the inside ear and clues Vinnie in on the law's intent. So Vinnie takes a powder, but his nephew Lennie happens to take a prime time perp walk about the same time as Tiny gets collared for something he didn't even do - can you believe it? - which was, you know, to arrange something, let it go at that. So Vinnie had to stay gone an extra month. Jeez Louise.


Anonymous said...

'Ey, whatta ya gonna do?

Jesus H. Christ onna crackah.
Vinnie shoulda knowed bettah.

Anonymous said...

Heeeeay, Rat Fink! Long time, no see. Glad you checked in here. Coz I ran a trace on your comment and see you're living in Scottsdale, Arizona. As I speak, me and Lucky and some of the boys are coming down there to pay you a visit. We'll bring you some cannoli.