Goblins are odd folk who live under rocks or sycamore bark. They want to trick you into doing silly things that may embarass or injure you. You must not allow them within earshot. Their dares are worth nothing and their double dares are worth twice that.
My big brother Billy promised to show me a goblin once. It was just before Halloween Night, see. An' he tooked me acrost the street and tole me to get into a crawlspace under the O'Connor's house. Then he went under another part of the house to wake 'em up. I sat in the dark all scared. There was this scrabbling, see? And some kinda whispering. I thought to myself, 'He's jist tryin to scare me.' But then he came back into my crawlspace and the scratching and whispering went on for a while. He said we'd better leave before they figured out we were there. I got outta there as fast as could, lemme tell you, and I outran him back to the house. That was Halloween day, 1965. I'm not sure, but I think the goblins mighta got him as I ran.
Daggnabbit, Boer, that's just what I'm talking about. Your brother did you a great service by getting you out of there when he did. Most likely they were hatching plans amongst themselves as to what manner of trouble they'd bestow upon you. The scratching was probably them mapping out their plan of attack by drawing in the dirt with a stick. (They are also known to use small chalkboards for this purpose.) Halloween is when they are meddlesomest, so consider yourself lucky.
Whattya mean he did me a great service?
To say that he took me outta there to save my life, well...well.. it's as if he wuz throwin' rocks at a BEES nest while I sat below it, and if he'd hit it an' grabbed my arm to pull me outta danger; it'd be jist like that if it'd happunt. Okay,well.
Well,then I guess he saved my life, sure.
But it still don't seem right.
Come to think of it, I gues he did.
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