He: I am flayed and scarified. My insides are out.
She: Yuck.
He: You don't understand...
She: Yes I do. Someone at work looked at you crosseyed and you took offense.
He: Would that it were that simple. I was evaluated by the team and came up lacking.
She: Lacking in what?
He: Leadership abilities. Managerial skills. You name it, I lacked it. They made an example of me.
She: You're an example, alright. An example of a perfect shlub. It's best you stay a shlub, too. Let the leaders lead.
He: But I could be jettisoned.
She: So could they. And have farther to fall. Besides, they're right. You are lower echelon. If you were given the power to hire and fire, you'd hire the likes of you and fire the likes of them. The stock would plummet and you'd be out on your can and back on the dole.
He: Ow, you're hurting me...
She: Just stating the obvious. Look, be glad you're anonymous. They'll always need shlubs. You're an asset.
He: I am? An asset?
She: An asset can't get a break.
He: (..whimper..)
Oh, I like her. She is far too good for him. Does she mayhap have a phone number, or possibly her own blog? I'd settle for a little sister. Who wouldn't?
Seriously, you need to get out more.
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