Wednesday, March 24, 2021

032421 - aka The Squinchy Boy


  1. How you managed to find such a nearly perfect representation of The Squinchy Boy, I have no idea. But that's perty much what he looks like.

    Looka here:

    The squinchy boy came by today, pedaling squinchy-boy crackers to the thru-trekkers in the terminal, but none were buying, even when he gave them the Big Eyes. When that didn’t work (I wasn’t surprised; compound eyes simply cannot look pleading and lonely), he went sniffling back to his friend Arliss.
    Within seconds, Arliss burst forth from the beast paddocks, squinchy boy on one arm and the other five loaded with twenty-six stone of squinchy boy crackers.

    With Arliss’ help (forced suggestion, threats of dismemberment, loss of testicles, probosci, tentatures, and\or bleegos), squinchy boy left with a pocketful of credits and Arliss went back to the paddocks with a face full of love, pride, and ultimate disgust for most beings belonging to all species.
    Jess and I only groaned because now every thru-trekker a minimum of twelve boxes of heavy crackers better suited for use as cement aggregate than as any sort of food product, and we had to load them.
    I whistled back to Arliss, calling up more luggage turtles.
    “A LOT of them,” I growled into the com-link.

    From "The Adventures of Shrink MCcool: The Wormtrove."

  2. Thanks, Doc, for the right and proper ID. Shoulda recognized him.
