Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Formication: sensation that resembles that of 
small insects crawling on or under the skin;
pins and needles.


  1. Wes Dawson10:23 AM

    Formicans took over the planet TA-1, known to most in the third sector as TerAq (Terra Aqua from the old tongue). Once the humans forsook the planet before the Time Squartch, an experiment with the Formican ancestors continued after the sapiens' exodus to Jupiter. The experiment allowed the species to thrive throughout the temperate zones without hibernating, and thrive they did, growing in numbers, size, ferocity and technology. Their only rival on TA were the Canids, who were to leave the planet four millenia later. Today the planet is known as one of the most dangerous in the Third Sector. If the Formicans don't eat you, the sandstingers and vipercats will make short work of your visit.

  2. You have obviously done your research, sir. As we ourselves are evolving into hibernating lifeforms, we'd do well to learn from the Formicans. Cheery bye.
