Saturday, March 09, 2019

musty scrim

for Muggsy Krym


  1. Ah, Muggsy. I was cleaning out boxes in the attic the other day, boxes I haven't opened in nearly six years. Mostly artwork and what I used to think of as artwork. My last homes were cluttered with the stuff, not a tabletop empty. Threw most of it away yesterday.
    In the mess of toys and statues was an old black and gray film canister, and upon opening it, there he was. Hadn't seen him in years. Brought him home from Enchanted Rock. He used to sit in his little canister up high in my living room in The Buddha's lap. Looking for that Buddha now. Time for him to take his place looking over my house again.

  2. I have one of those myself in my file cabinet next to notre mère et soeur. It's getting crowded in there. May be adding my own before too long..
