Sunday, March 24, 2019



  1. Emil Sassparroon5:13 PM

    Yew musta faownded that ol' resty-rawnt at th' enn o' th' unyverz, cus yew ben ayout t' lunch fer an arful laaawng tahm. G'luck witthat beestro-matic drahv. See yawl whin y' git back. Brang me a dawhhgie bay-ug.

  2. Emil, You ain't no dawhhgie. I know you got dawhhgies, coz they go for my juglar every time I drop in. But don't think you can hoodwink me into bringing you back no dawhhgie bay-ug. I know you never feed those pups nothin but chilruns and I ain't been dining on nothin but A-dolts.

  3. And as soon as I find my owner's manual for my beestro-matic drahv, I'll let you know how that all turns out.

  4. Emil Sassparroon9:31 PM

    Ah keep them chilluns fer sacree-fisses durn th' soltixes an such, nebber feeds um to th' dawgs. An jist cuz they goes fer yer jug'ler is jist a way o' sayin' HI. Dey duz lub yew. But if'n yew gots sum A-dolts t' feed em, brang em bah. They's slaverin fer some humin meats right abaout naow. 'Publikans is they fav'rit. Mahn too. Stews up guud. Screams too. Ah lahks that. Damn. Ladybugs is attakin. Gots ta go.
