Monday, February 04, 2019


You'd think after 969 years 
he'd learn to hang up his wet towels.


  1. His wet towels? Is that all you know? Hell, I've been picking up after his ancient ass for YEARS! DECADES! CENTURIES! He leaves the fridge open after pulling everything out and choosing one (yes, ONE) container, then doesn't eat that one! I don't know how I've lived with the old codger all this time. Honestly, I look at the old rodeo poster on the wall and wonder if I shouldn't have gone that way. Maybe I could have been a stewardess on a plane, I dunno. He's constantly shedding dry skin into the salad! You call that appetizing?
    I thought it was pretty clever to out his horrible condition through my friend Ira nearly a hundred years ago, but did he notice? HE DID NOT! After that show did so well, too. Tsk tsk tsk.
    Oh, what I'm going to do!
    I'm going to wash that man right out of my hair! THAT'S what I'll do!

  2. No, I do not call dry skin on salad appetizing.

  3. Snavely8:34 PM

    Apparently YOU are not a snake. We LOVE skin-pepper on our salads. Though the salads are usually made of flesh.
