Sunday, January 13, 2019

Vin Dyct


  1. Liked the name as soon as I saw it, and the face just frackin matched. I had to have it.
    I have to have it.
    The name Vin Dyct is so musical, so falling-off-the-tongue perfect that upon seeing it for the first time I decided upon a character for a bad guy in the present Shrink MCcool series. I beg the, adoption, the borrowing, the infestation and gestation of such an egg as this. I plead the use, corruption, kidnapping, teaching and failing, um, complete diatribeism, which isn’t even a word but SHOULD be, um, where wuzt I?
    The seizure, er taking, um, shanghaiing of this name and character. Yes. I’d like to see if you might just let me use it for a bit, hey?

    I also get the joke. Vin Dyct.


    Vin Dycht, more like. Very bad dude.


    The gate’s ajar…


  2. It was kind of an off the wall plurdway (or play on wordity) signifying a vindictive guy with a van dyke. If that's what you got, you got it. If not, you got something of equal, greater, or lesser value, I'm sure.

    Anything - and I mean ANY thing - I come up with is yours to plunder. As my Spider Brother, your brain and mine are in any event sharing synapses, which means any thought I have may have been triggered by one of yourn. So have at. Ahd bee honurd if'n yood crack the egg. And you can spellz it any way you please.

  3. Mercy, bro, mercy.

    That's French.
