Wednesday, January 02, 2019



  1. Globular Mirrr9:10 PM

    I hunted the Great Helafino back in Africa, in what, the late forties? Seventies? I get confused sometimes. I went with a cadre of movie stars, none of which had the slightest idea who or what to shoot. But the Helafino was wary! He grunted and shlorked a lot, scaring the celebrities. It was magic. We caught them from behind and bled them nicely. They kept screaming about their agents. Fed the locals for a few weeks during the latent season. We were proud then. Yessir. Still are!

  2. Bully for you! You're a fine example of just what's lacking in today's generation, as well as the two or three that went before it. We admire your vim and verve, to say nothing of your gumption, pluck, grit and spunk. Carry on, Mr. Mirr. We eagerly await your memoirs.
