Monday, December 03, 2018

much brecciated


  1. Oh, the geologist inside me is chuckling mightily. Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

  2. Your mighty chuckle is muchly abrecciated.

  3. Funny thing is that I've seen breccia in very few places; west of your little burg comes to mind. Just north of Jerry VD's town, in fact. Small outcroppings in the harder rock of the Ouachita beginnings. Can be found on the State Geological Map. Shocking when you find them, like little igneous upheavals in a room full of sedimentary fossils.

    I miss The Bear State. So familiar, yet so much to be discovered.

    Whoa, left the chillun on the stove! Gotta go!

  4. Not sure where this one came from. Somewhere southwest of here.
    I need to get out in the zone you mention. Have found some good 'network' there. That's what I call quartz veining through weathered sandstone.

  5. Yes you have. Been wit yew when yew dunnit a few tyums.
