Sunday, January 07, 2018

Skarvy semi colon bosun


  1. Cap'n Jelos Mullin6:21 PM

    Skarvy, right. He's one o' mine. We was up in the upper bridge two weeks ago when Skarvy spotted an Ernikian Quaatro cruising off the starboard bow. It must have been twelve or fifteen thousand clikkens off. What eyes! Well, you know me; I hove the Scutter around and lopped off a few shots as soon as we were in range. And wouldn't you know old Skarvy was the first one off the ship. Took one of the armed strakers and disabled their rear mole-up. Well, that stopped them dead in the ether, don'tcha know. We boarded her and ate the crew, but there wasn't anything in the hold but spoiled krasko beans. What the flub we gonna do with them? Crikeys, it's getting awfully thin out here on the edge of the rim. I think we oughta head back to Miruna's Wheel and do some plunderin' off of the Dark Horse Nebula. Skarvy's all for it, though I ought to flog the jaghead for the wated time with the Erkinians. HE likes rotten krasko beans, the skreel.

  2. Rotten'r no, can't stomick krasko beans meself, ner imagine how they'd go down with Ernikian meat. That there's a tale o' woe, Cap'n.

  3. Shrink MCcool9:47 AM

    Larg, you're getting co-responds from Jelos Mullin? He's a Pirate of the Ninth Class, and the boofer got away from me and my team while we explored the Giant Tunnels of Croker on Trixxid. I owe that scatbag for more than one lifted recovery, I can tell you that. If you have any way of tracing his whereabouts, let me know. You can leave messages for me at the AngleTide Barandgrill on Desrey or at The edge of the Runway on Trixxid, third moon of Axxid in the Axxia System. I flit through from time to time. As to Skarvy, you spelled his name wrong. At least, you punctuated it incorrectly. His whole name is Skarvy, and he is the bosun of Mullin's ship 'The Skutter.' There should be a semi colon in there somewhere.

  4. I'll keep my eyes tuned and my ears open. Made the inappropriate corrections.

  5. Shrink MCcool12:29 PM

    Thanks, that's much; better. Grrrrr.
