Thursday, October 31, 2013

Octoberist 31


  1. A great one for The Day.

    I'm celebrating the Eve of All Hallows by staying the Hell out the second floor. I'm not kidding. The house is 323 years old, I've been here for eleven nights, and I simply will not go up there at night.

    Things with your Octoberist faces live up there, I'm sure.

    I'm not kidding.

  2. Merci, mon ami.

    Jim, have you heard things? Seen things? Sensed things? Are there Standishes present?

  3. Dunno. Won't go up there.

    Maybe after I vacuum.

    At night? I doubt it.

    I hafta go up there tomorrow to stow things. Thin light, old smells. People used to be kept up there.

    I especially don't like the closet. I'll send pics.
