Sunday, March 06, 2011


We were 14. I loved her.
She didn't choose to know me.


  1. merci.. histoire vraie.

  2. Brother Dub12:09 PM

    I also was in love with Pam at a tender age, that of twelve and thirteen. It was a different Pam, I'm sure. Pam Hendriksen. Tall, gorgeous, straight A student. Rode her bike to and from Intermediate School along Bailey's Corner Road. Wore skirts and carried herself like a much more mature girl than our ages. Like your Pammy, she chose not to know me, though I tried to get her to. She ended up having a well-publicized affair with a high school teacher two years later. He was fired from teaching and married her.

    Lesson learned; some things are just not meant to be, cheri.

  3. Bicycles and skirts.. a dangerous combination.
