Friday, September 24, 2010

Mami Wata

Her serpent ripples embrace you,
her riptide caresses drag you down.


  1. A voodoo queen ?

  2. You might say that. She;s a water spirit. Not as ugly or as spiteful as I make out, but hey: poetic license.

    Bobbi received her necklace-bracelet. You should have seen her face light up when she opened the package. She kept holding up the various beads, saying "Look at THIS one! Whoa, look at THIS ONE!"

    In other words, she liked it.

  3. Hey Jay! I'm glad Bobby liked the necklace-bracelet that makes my day, really! :)
    Now I'm off to check the link about Mami Wata.
    Oh if you have 7 or so spare minutes, I made a video with some of my photos, it's on my blog...

  4. I'll check it out. See ya.

  5. Mami Wata is also Erzulie in the voodoo cult... I knew I knew her! Thanks for the link. She also makes me think of Calypso in Pirates of The Caribbeans... interesting...
