Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thomas Jefferson

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."


  1. Not Yet Jonathan3:35 PM

    How perfectly ironic (or is it?) that you present this quote from Jefferson on the day that the supreme court okays the further "greening" of Amerikan Politiks by giving corporations and unions permission to give and give as much as they want to political campaigns. "The Rollerball Oligarchy" comes closer and closer to reality. Long live Jonathan. Jonathan! Jonathan! Jonathan!

  2. Actually, it was posted the day before. Coincidentally good timing, I guess.

    Here's how Bartholomew (John Houseman's character in Rollerball) sums it up:

    "Corporate society takes care of everything. And all it asks of anyone, all it's ever asked of anyone ever, is not to interfere with management decisions."

  3. "Rule changes: No substitutions, no penalties... and no time limit!"

    And no limit to corporate dollars as well.

  4. The United Corporation of America. Sigh...
