Monday, November 30, 2009



  1. Ditterbrand5:04 PM

    Ah, Shroudmuffle! I remember him well. The way he used to come gliding across the freshly dug graves, howling and spitting. Such a one for the dramatic! He loved Christmastime best, you know. Said it was more worthwhile to frighten the kiddies then. Always wanted to color himself red so they'd come close, thinking he was Claus. I lost touch with him eons ago; hope he's doing well....or badly, as the case my be.

  2. Shroudmuffle5:08 PM

    Ditterbrand, you old ghost! Good to hear from you. Please come to the crypt sometime; you know, the one in Paris, near Morrison. We've quite a contingent of old-timers here. I daresay you'll recognise some of the Old Guard. Bring a bottle of the old Janx Spirit. We'll have a low old time, my friend. Toodle pip and all that...

  3. I love it when the spooks talk amongst themselves.
