Friday, September 18, 2009

Danny, Bo and Mack

the Schlep Boys


  1. Did you post this on flickr, too?? I swear I didn't see it!

    This is great! :)

  2. Hmmm. Somebody else said the same thing about another one I posted in both places. It shows up on my Flickr.

  3. D.B.M. Schlep9:34 AM

    Come on down, do we have deals! These potholders have only so many leech holes, but they should do well as emergency yamikas! And have you ever seen so many old bald tires? Of course you haven't! Come on down! Empty your bank account! Tools? Do we have tools! Sure, the sockets don't fit anything and the wrenches are all bent, but so's your car! What are you waiting for? COME ON DOWN! We KNOW our gyroscopes don't have any lenses! But neither do yours! Come on down!

  4. Retail vaudevillians could get us out of this slump.
