Thursday, March 05, 2009


The harlots and thieves were in need of someone who could look after them. Hermes was their man. The shepherds and drifters, the actors and grifters - they were in need as well. Most all of them were on their way to someplace else, so couldn't be waylaid for long, but they all wanted something.. absolution, extra umph, a witness..

Hermes was on top of it. After all, he was Messenger of the Gods. Wings on his heels, the whole nine yards. Those came in handy early on, rustling cattle owned by his bother, Apollo. The Gods overlooked transgressions like that back then. Fact is, they needed fleet feet. They also needed someone who couldn't abide boundaries, as he'd have to pass in and out of the underworld.

Hermes fit the bill all around for gods and gypsies alike.


  1. Overlooking transgressions so that a Sovereign can get a job done, quickly and efficiently ... if I was you I think I would delete this before someone in a powerful position reads it and gets an idea ... you will be setting yourself as a fall guy if that happens. The gods would not be able to overlook THAT transgression.

  2. I set myself up as a fall guy last year. I'm planning to be a spring guy this year.

  3. As long as you know where you stand ...
