Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Losing Face

Was mightily upset this morning to find hundreds of unposted little digital faces I have made in the last eight months and stored in iPhoto 6 have up and disappeared. Vanished. Did I back them up, you ask, knowing full well I did not.

If I can't retrieve them, there's still the original faces. I'll run 'em through a second time. Wish I had tweaking recipes.


Anonymous said...

Tweaking recipe

This serves six. Take an adolescent tweaking out of its nest; the parents will be glad to be rid of it. Shave its hindquarters and paint its butt blue. Put some feathers through its ear holes and teach it to speak French, then drizzle it with wine vinegar. Stand it in the sun for a few hours and pinch its cheek. Serve it quickly; it will entertain your friends for hours.

Can't find any tweakings because of the July rush? Just go to!

Jay King said...

Howzit sposed to learn French with feathers in its ears? Smarmy bastard.

Look! They killed Kenny!

Anonymous said...

I believe that's "Oh my God! They Killed Kenny! You (smarmy) bastard(s)." Sorry for the parent theses.