Monday, February 19, 2007

Coming Soon

"Golly, Junie Sue, I'll bet we could put on a show right here in the church basement!" exclaimed Robot Billy, his diodes sputtering.
Junie Sue looked dubious. "There has got to be something seriously askew in that so-called brain of yours. I'll not have my name sullied."
"What do you mean?"
"You expect me to play a church social? I was in summer stock last year!"
"But. looky here, Junie Sue! Track lighting! Lots of it! I'll bet we could keep some where they are for spots and move some down here for footlights!"
Junie Sue scowled, a little less dubiously. "There's no stage and there's no curtain."
"I've already calculated the factors! We can attain all the square footage we would need for the stage from the lumber your Dad has stored in the barn. And Sam Drucker has all those burlap sacks taking up space in the back room of his store. I'm sure there's enough to sew together for a curtain!"
One of Junie Sue's eyebrows twitched upwards. Robot Billy took that as a positive sign. "And the carport outside looks just like a marquee!"
"If," stated Junie Sue emphatically, "and that's a big if, but if I agreed to participate in the fiasco you describe, you do realize I'd have to demand top billing and seventy five percent of the take."
"You bet, Junie Sue! Let's do it! Let's put on a show!"

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