Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Gully Deposit Grain

Martian gully deposits (left) in the vicinity of Mons Miro display a notable proclivity toward momaism. Heretofore stymied in their attempts to study the deposits up close, NASA scientists last week were able to launch a microcam from the Mars Global Surveyor in order to take a closer look. The isolated grain on the right makes clear that these are no mere sand or salt deposits. Each grain appears to be a miniature (this one is about three microns long) complex carbon-based organism. It is unclear at this point whether they are fossilized exoskeletons or actual living entities of some odd sort, but either way, NASA is announcing that life on Mars does or did indeed exist.


Anonymous said...

Oh, PLEASE. Anyone of even limited experience in collecting or distributing Dognose Products can plainly see that the item in question is merely a collection of fossilized Dognose Candies, albeit very small ones. It is Well Known that dognose deposits exist here on Alpha Thai, so why not on Mars? I'll bet you have some on the Blue World, too. Having been ministering Sickness to The Masses for years, I can assure you that The Masses are quite fond of all sorts of Dognose Products. They are especially fond of Dognose Chutney. "Give us more!!" The Masses call out. Damn demanding Masses. Sometimes I wish they would just Go Away and leave me alone.

Jay King said...

Dear Mr. Jiminae,
I am sorry you are so hounded by Dognose demanders, but I assure you these are not the item to which you refer. While they bear a striking resemblance to Dognose products, (I myself own a pair of Dognose Slippers that bear a similar countenance) these are, I assure you, not such. Dognose Candies come in variety of pleasing colors. They are never shit brown, as that would defeat the purpose, should there be an actual purpose for candy. No, this is truly a grain from a Martian gully deposit, highly magnified. You have my assurance on that and, more importantly, the assurance of the lads at NASA. Now, go away and leave me alone.

PS - Are you in any way related to the famous orthopteron, Jiminae Crickitus?

Anonymous said...

Well, you can call it what you want, but in my intergalactic travels I have definitely collected and distributed Shit Brown Dognose Candies. Referred to am "mumphlebrogs" by the denizens of Garkkus, they also have the unistakeable taste of offal. That is why I only distribute them by air drop. I appreciate your need to be left alone, and now I shall do so. I do not know the Crickitus to which you refer, but I will wish you a merry Sickmus.

Jay King said...

Offal tasting mumphlebrog candies? I think you've been reading too much Harry Potter. Merry Sickmus to you, too, in any case.