Saturday, December 09, 2006

Amalgamorph Speak

People of Galaxy 8309, we bring you tawdry greets from our quizzical sector of Star System 74-F. I am Moqwadish and I represent species called Amalgamorph. Observe please my protuberant crania. Soft-skulled it hugs my brainia. My people enjoy to rhyme. Amalgamorph propose assimilation of unlike species, such are yours. We like enjoy time warp travel, cosmic ray days and procreating new life forms. Must you reply obediently. Send your data immediately. That is all.


Anonymous said...

I'm there, ol' malgo, ol' pal!!! Just beam me the hell outta this dump! I've been stuck here for twenty six of these people's months, and it sucks bigtime! Everyone has just one head, they keep killing each other over little pieces of stinking desert, they don't use enough exclamation points, and there's nothing worth watching on television! The worst thing of all is that they don't communicate by yelling!!! I'll just put out my freegy beacon and you guys can pick me up anytime!! I sure hope you guys like to hear stories, cuz I got a lot to yell!!!

Jay King said...

Dear Splotch,
I have forwarded your exuberant response to Moqwadish. Hopefully, he will zero in on your freegy beacon and 'pick you up,' as you so colloquially word it. Be aware, however, that Amalgamorphs come with but one head apiece. That said, he may decide to make an exception in your case and grow another.
- Al

Jay King said...

Splotch -

Received fax-o-gram from somewhere in Galaxy 8309. It reads:

Over dump of planet on freegy quest! Have hold of life form in front of television! Tug and tug, but no budge!! Splotch Glortnik size too extreme to beam!!!

Amalgamorphically Yours,